Wednesday, November 18, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 14 - 2012

Hey, Y'all!

I just got home from seeing 2012.  It wasn't on the top of my list, but Kevin and I wanted to have a little date night.  A few years ago, maybe even a few months ago, I would have called a movie like 2012 cheesy!  But, with all of the violence and hatred that surrounds us in movies and in life, it was nice to see people coming together in harmony, helping one another to sustain life and humanity.

This happens everyday in some form.  Maybe we don't help people onto a big ship to avoid their deaths in the impending destruction of the Earth.  But we do hold a door for someone, pick up something that someone has dropped, give a Milky Way to someone who looks sad, hold a hand, offer a hug, become a friend to a stranger.

I am grateful for the human spirit.

Nighty night!

♥ - Joi

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Joi! There were some things about the movie that were far fetched to me, of course. But, I also took away the same basic pricipal that you did... seeing that quality in humanity that makes us want to help one another is always refreshing. Thanks for your post!
