Sunday, December 13, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 26 - Esquire Magazine

Hello Friends,

Some of you may have noticed, some maybe not, but I did not complete my 30 days of thanks.  I have to admit that I haven't been feeling too thankful for the past week and a half.  I didn't want to post just anything to make my last 5 days, so I took a little break.  But I owe it to myself to finish this exercise.

Today, I am thankful for the ability to tap into my masculine side via Esquire Magazine.  I don't know about other ladies, but what I enjoy is not limited to makeup tips, hair tips, and seeing the fashion world's latest horrific (and impractical) suggestions for this season's patterns and color combinations.

In the name of all things modern, classy, intellectual, sleekly fashionable, haute, and sarcastically witty - thank you Esquire!

♥ - Joi

Monday, November 30, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 25 - Escapism

Hello Friends!

5 more days to 30!  Woohoo!  I can't believe I'm almost there!

Well, today I am thankful for escapism through music, daydreams, good thoughts and fond memories.  One day, I will live the dream instead of dream the dream.   Meanwhile, I'll just take my mental journeys.

♥ - Joi

Sunday, November 29, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 24 - Ravens Celebrations

Hello Friends!

I am thankful today, first for the sunshine.  Friday & half of Saturday were pretty dreary. I was nice to have a sunny, dry day.

I am most thankful today for the Ravens celebrations I've seen on FB.  I love it!  I love watching people get so happy about it. 

I can't say that I'm very much into sports, but Bmore is my hometown!  Go RAVENS!!!

♥ - Joi

Saturday, November 28, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 23 - Truth

Hello Friends!

On a more somber note, I am thankful that there are people who seek the truth, and people who share the truth.  Tonight, I started watching "When the Levees Broke", Spike Lee's documentary on the Katrina catastrophe.  The victims were treated horrifically! It was truly unbelievable.  The good thing is that people can know the things that really happened, can be honest with themselves about the direction in which our country is heading, and can initiate the change at the public level.  We need to look for the truth and act accordingly in our appointment of our leadership.

♥ - Joi

P.S. Now, I'm going to regress to Day 22 and be a kid again!  

Friday, November 27, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 22 - Being a Kid Again

Hello Friends!

Today I am thankful for this message that I saw in Starbuck's today:

How many of us need to remember being kids?  I know I do.  Seeing this poster reminded me that I take myself too seriously, that life should be about having fun, and that dreaming and belief in those dreams should be a part of every moment.  There's nothing wrong with living in the world of make-believe, sometimes.  And there's no reason to let our chores (work) consume us.  Just like children, wouldn't it be fun to live life looking forward to the next pleasurable, fun-filled moment?  I think so!

Remember being a kid!

♥ - Joi

Thursday, November 26, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 21 - Thanksgiving

Hello Friends!

Not much to say today.  I am stuffed! 

Today, I am thankful that Americans agree on something for one day.  The importance of family, the power of gratefulness, and the joy of sharing a meal that was prepared with love.

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

♥ - Joi

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Days 16-20 - Las Vegas, R & R

Hello Friends!

I wish I had planned to be MIA on my blog, but I had no idea that I would choose to take a break from everything until I did.  When I got to Las Vegas, I just decided to unplug completely.  I tried to look go online, but it was fruitless.  It was almost like someone sprayed repellent on the computer!

Anyways, I have some catching up to do:

I am thankful for the option to just BE.
I am glad that I can give myself permission to BE, because it is a new skill for me.
I am thankful for the freedom of choice. 
I am thankful for clarity.
I am thankful for red wine and it's many healing properties.  ;-)
I am thankful for a safe flight home.
I am thankful for generous parents.
I am thankful for my sister - her birthday is today!
I am thankful that things can and do change.

What are you thankful for, Friends?

♥ - Joi

Thursday, November 19, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 15 - Little Getaways

Hello All!

I can't believe I'm at Day 15 already!  This has been so much fun for me!  I feel like I'm floating now. Another 15 days of thanks, and I'll be soaring!!!  :-)

Well, I'm in the middle of packing (always a chore for me), and I just wanted to take some time to share my thanks for little getaways.  I have been travelling this year, but it was never really a vacation.  I always had STUFF to do.  This time, I'm just going to enjoy myself.  It will be *SO* refreshing. 

I'll be sure to post some pics.  I'm sure I'll have plenty to be thankful for on my trip!

Love ya, Friends!
♥ - Joi

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 14 - 2012

Hey, Y'all!

I just got home from seeing 2012.  It wasn't on the top of my list, but Kevin and I wanted to have a little date night.  A few years ago, maybe even a few months ago, I would have called a movie like 2012 cheesy!  But, with all of the violence and hatred that surrounds us in movies and in life, it was nice to see people coming together in harmony, helping one another to sustain life and humanity.

This happens everyday in some form.  Maybe we don't help people onto a big ship to avoid their deaths in the impending destruction of the Earth.  But we do hold a door for someone, pick up something that someone has dropped, give a Milky Way to someone who looks sad, hold a hand, offer a hug, become a friend to a stranger.

I am grateful for the human spirit.

Nighty night!

♥ - Joi

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 13 - Kevin

Hello Friends!

Today, I am thankful for my Honey, a.k.a. Sweetbread, Sweetness, Smoochie, Chicken, Kev D, Kevie Kev.  (I call him Chicken because I like food and his complexion reminds me of rotisserie chicken - he doesn't like that nickname too much).

I appreciate his friendship and the soft heart beneath his macho manliness.  I am especially grateful that he accepts me when I'm being a hellion, and can apologize (most of the time) after he has let his inner demon rule.   :-)

I am also grateful for his musicianship.  His love for it has inspired me to make music a permanent part of my life.  His discipline has showed me how.

I could go on and on, but in all, I consider myself a lucky girl!

Thanks, Kevin!

♥ - Joi

Monday, November 16, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 12 - Creativity

Creativity - it comes in all forms.  Today, I used it in the kitchen.  Tomorrow, I may use it to do some beadwork.  I am thankful for the ability to tap into my creative energy and make something beautiful! 

We all have it.  When we use it, the world is a more beautiful place!

What are you thankful for today?

♥ - Joi

Sunday, November 15, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Days 9,10, & 11 - Small Victories, Yoga, and Delicious Afternoon Naps

Hello All!

It's been a few days.  I decided to just let myself be this weekend.  So here goes - Days 9, 10, & 11 of my 30 Days of Thanks...

Day 9 - Small Victories

Have you ever been to Cracker Barrel?  If you have, you'll recognize this game.  Maybe you recognize it even if you haven't been there.  Point is, I've tried the past few times to get to the point that one peg is on the board, and I had not been successful.  Until this weekend!!  Small victory, but a victory nonetheless.  :-)

Day 10 - Yoga

Yesterday, I went to yoga for the first time in a long time.  I am *SO* glad that I did.  My body needed it, but my spirit needed it more.  I felt so refreshed and inspired and in touch with myself after the session.  I am especially grateful for the instructor, Tricia McAvoy, Founder & Director of Yoga at Blissworks Yoga & Healing Arts.  She spoke about letting your energy expand and letting your light shine - being big and feeling connected.  During the practice, I could feel myself expanding like I was bursting out of my body, and I loved it!  I no longer feel minimized, small, defeated.  Thank you Tricia for nourishing my body and soul.

Day 11 - Oh So Delicious Afternoon Naps

OMG!! I had the best nap this afternoon!  It was deep and long and so effective.  I feel like a new person.  The most important part to me is that I ALLOWED myself to enjoy it. I am thankful for naps and for self-care.

What are you thankful for?

Until Tomorrow!
♥ - Joi

Thursday, November 12, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 8 - Pleasant Surprises

Good Evening!

I am so *SUPER* thankful today!  After work, I went downstairs to the coffee shop for hot chocolate, and while I was speaking with a friend 4 musicians walked in.  I was instantly excited!  Though I had planned to get the H.C. and head for the couch, I felt I couldn't pass up the opportunity to hear some live music. 

The group was phenomenal!  They told me that they had been friends for years, and I could hear that in their playing.  They were skilled, they chose beautifully written pieces, and they played them beautifully.  I couldn't ask for a better random event on a Thursday night! 

Thanks to The Calder Quartet ( for sharing your music in a small coffee shop in a small CT town.  You know at least one person who greatly appreciated it!

Thank you God for Pleasant Surprises!

♥ - Joi

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 7 - Nature

Hello, Friends!!

I have been consciously taking time to breathe and notice the moment, notice my surroundings.  I am so thankful for nature and it's beauty.  Just wanted to share some photos I've taken here in New England. 


What are you thankful for today?

♥ - Joi

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 6 - Peace

I am thankful for peace, today.  Grateful for finding that place in my soul that I can burrow into and feel protected from the world.  

In a few minutes, I will be thankful for sleep.  :-)
Good night, Friends!!

♥ - Joi

Monday, November 9, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 5 - Compliments...

Hello Friends!

So, I was heading for a Falafel sandwich in New Haven, and I walked by a couple of older gentlemen.

Gentleman 1: How are you, young lady?
Joi: I'm great, how are you?
Gentleman 1: Doing well, enjoying the weather.  So, do you sing with that nice voice of yours.
Joi: Sometimes, I do.
Gentleman 1: Well, you have a beautiful voice!  I hope you keep on singin'!  I'm sure you have a lovely Baritone voice.
Joi:  Thank you.

I know that my voice, but I like to think of myself as a strong ALTO.   :-)  I'm so thankful for Compliments, though, no matter how they come!

What are you thankful for today?

♥ - Joi

Sunday, November 8, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 4 - Unseasonably Warm & Sunny Days

Hello People!

Short one today, but hugely grateful for the unseasonably and surprisingly warm, sunny day that we had here in CT.  High of 65, felt like 70, and the sun warmed my face.  Perfect ending to a wonderful weekend.

To top it off, I shared an excellent meal (including some homemade cornbread and pumpkin/squash soup) with Mom and Kevin!!  

What are you grateful for today?

♥ - Joi

Saturday, November 7, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 3 - Being Spoiled :-)

Happy Saturday!!!!

Today, I was scheduled to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted.  So, I asked my Mom to come from Baltimore to CT to baby me (*throat clearing*) -  I meant to assist me during my recovery period.  To my surprise, she happily obliged!!!  It is so nice to be spoiled, sometimes!  And I am so thankful for Mom, who always shows love and support!  

The kicker! Due to a "scheduling conflict", the dentist never showed up!  So, no surgery today, and I actually get to enjoy my Mom's company instead of whining all weekend!  :-)

What are you thankful for today?

♥ - Joi 

Friday, November 6, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 2 - Friends

Hello Friends,

Sometimes, I feel that in an effort to offer profound insights, I overlook the simple gifts that surround me.

Can I have your permission to be transparent? Thank you.

I had an awful day. In fact, the past few weeks have been far less than outstanding, and THIS is the reason that I chose to join this mission. To find 30 things in my life that I can be thankful for in a less than ideal situation, in hopes of turning my life around and looking in a new direction.

So, what I am thankful for today? It's quite simple.  Friends. Particularly tonight, Charlotte Fields. 

I am so thankful for Friends, who can see through the facade, notice the pain, not necessarily ask questions, but offer you an outlet to share a laugh, a song to sing together, a kind gesture, a shoulder,  an ear if you feel like talking. 

I am so fortunate to be surrounded by the people that have crossed my path. 

Thank you, God, for *ALL* of my Friends - new, old, close, or distant.  All of you share something special with me, and I hope that I share something special with you.

♥ - Joi

Thursday, November 5, 2009

30 Days of Thanks: Day 1 - Music & Singing

It's the first official day of my 30 days of thanks!

I am *SO* thankful today for Music & Singing! The right song can turn make a hardened heart soft. A skilled vocalist gives me a thrill! Doesn't matter if the voice is strong and rich, or light and airy. And when I sing, I feel like I can do anything!

I listen to music all day and it really keeps me going. I am so thankful for the gift of song.

What are you thankful for today?

♥ - Joi

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thanks for 30 Days of Thanks!

Hello and Welcome,

I first want to thank Heather and Stacy for this timely invitation to join them in 30 Days of Thanks!  You can join the fun too!  Click the image below or go to to find out how you can be Thankful and share your Thanks with the World -  for 30 days (or more)!   {I think I'll try 90 days, and see how far I can go from there.  :-) }

Gratitude lays the groundwork for Greatness in our lives.  Just think of how *GREAT* you will be after sewing 30 seeds of thankfulness.  I'm looking forward to sharing what I'm thankful for, and I hope you will do the same. Even if you don't participate fully by playing the game outlined on, please feel free to add a comment here, post something on my wall on Facebook, or Tweet me!

Take this a step further and thank 1 person everyday.  Show your appreciation.  Spread the joy of gratitude!

Before I go, I'd like to share what I'm thankful for today: My Dog greeting me at the door!

Doesn't look very excited here, does he?  But, it makes me feel good to know that he jumps from this position on his comfy blanket to run and greet me when I come in.  I feel so loved!  And in that moment, I forget about challenges.

Maybe, he's just hungry, but I like to think that he missed me all day.  :-)

What are you thankful for today?

Continually Thankful for You,